Table-3 Transition of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) based on the Financial Reconstruction Law

Table-3 Transition of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) based on the Financial Reconstruction Law
1. Figures are rounded to the nearest billion.
2. Figures of Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank are excuded for FY 1998,and figures of Aozora Bank is excluded for FY 1999. Both have been included since FY 2000. From FY 2002, figures of NPLs about UFJ Bank include those transferred to subsidiary company for corporate revitalization,and for FY 2003 Sept.,figures of NPLs about Mizuho Group include those which are transferred to subsidiary companies for corporate revitalization.
3. Figures in parentheses stand for those of ''Major 11 banks'' excluding Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank.
4. ''Regional Banks and Regional Banks II'' include Saitama Resona Bank.

Table-1 The Status of Non-Performing Loans held by all banks (as of end-September 2003)
Table-2 The Status of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) of All Banks based on the Financial Reconstruction Law (as of end-September 2003)
Table-3 Transition of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) based on the Financial Reconstruction Law
Table-4 Total Losses on Disposal of Non-Performing Loans of All Banks
(Reference) The Status of Risk Management Loans of All Banks (as of end-September 2003)

The Status of Non Performing Loans as of end-September 2003