Table-1 The Status of Non-Performing Loans held by all banks
(as of end-March 2003)

Table-1 The Status of Non-Performing Loans held by all banks(as of end-March 2003)
1. Figures in parentheses stand for changes from end-March 2002.
2. Financial Institutions that declared bankruptcy are excluded.
3. Figures for "NPLs based on the Financial Reconstruction Law" are the sum of the assets classified as "bankrupt / de facto bankrupt", "doubtful", and "special attention."
4. "Major 11 banks" stand for City Banks, Long-term Credit Banks and Trust Banks excluding Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank.
5. Figures of NPLs about UFJ Bank include those transferred to UFJ Strategic Partner Co., Ltd.
6. "Regional Banks" include Saitama Resona Bank.
7. Figures for "Total Losses on Disposal of NPLs" include Asahi Bank (merged in March 2003).

Table-1 The Status of Non-Performing Loans held by all banks (as of end-March 2003)
Table-2 The Status of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) of All Banks based on the Financial Reconstruction Law (as of end-March 2003)
Table-3 Transition of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) based on the Financial Reconstruction Law
Table-4 Total Losses on Disposal of Non-Performing Loans of All Banks
(Reference) The Status of Risk Management Loans of All Banks (as of end-March 2003)