(Reference) The Status of Risk Management Loans of All Banks (as of end-March 2003)

(Reference) The Status of Risk Management Loans of All Banks (as of end-March 2003)
* LBB : Loans to Borrowers in Legal Bankruptcy ** PDL : Past Due Loans in arrears by 6 months or more *** 3PDL : Loans in arrears by 3 months or more and less than 6 months
1. Figures are rounded to the nearest billion.
2. Financial institutions that declared bankruptcy are excluded.
3. ""PDL"" refer to loans of which interests are not collected and are not recognized as earnings, excluding LBB and of which payments of interests are in a grace period for the purpose of reconstructing the borrowers. ""3PDL"" refer to loans of which principals or interests are in arrears by 3 months or more from the date of default on payments of interests or principals under terms of the related loan agreements, excluding LBB and PDL."
4. Some financial institutions chose ""Partial Direct Write-offs"" (to write-off uncorrectable portions (Category IV) of loans to bankrupt/effectively bankrupt borrows with collateral/guarantee, instead of providing specific provisions for loan losses), which were 7,533 billion yen on non-consolidated bases.
5. ""Major Banks"" stand for City Banks, Long-term Credit Banks and Trust Banks excluding Shinsei Bank and Aozora Bank.
6. Figures include NPLs of UFJ Strategic Partner Co., Ltd which are transferred from UFJ Bank.
7. ""Total of Regional Banks"" includes the figure of Saitama Resona Bank."

Table-1 The Status of Non-Performing Loans held by all banks (as of end-March 2003)
Table-2 The Status of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) of All Banks based on the Financial Reconstruction Law (as of end-March 2003)
Table-3 Transition of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) based on the Financial Reconstruction Law
Table-4 Total Losses on Disposal of Non-Performing Loans of All Banks
(Reference) The Status of Risk Management Loans of All Banks (as of end-March 2003)