Press Release

December 19, 2002
based on the inspection results of
ING Securities (Japan) Limited


1. Recommendation Issued

    The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission issued today a recommendation that the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) take administrative disciplinary action pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 20 of the FSA Establishment Act based upon the results of the inspection of ING Securities (Japan) Limited (Tokyo Branch located in Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative in Japan John Howland-Jackson; staffed with approximately 200 employees including directors; hereinafter referred to as "ING Securities"), which found the following facts constituting violations of laws and regulations by ING Securities.

2. Facts Found

  • Act of soliciting business from any customer with a promise to provide any special benefit to the customer

    In January 1998, ING Securities solicited business from a certain corporate customer who had held a note of almost no redemption value immediately before maturity, with a promise to enable the customer to delay realizing losses, by presenting a scheme in which the customer would acquire a new note into which the losses would be transferred and simultaneously purchase another different note to bear the expenses arising from, inter alia, the issuance of the new note, for the sole purpose of keeping the losses unrealized.

    The foregoing is acknowledged to fall under the "act of soliciting business from any customer with a promise to provide any special benefit to the customer, in connection with the sale or purchase of, or any other form of transaction in, a security" provided for in Item (2), Article 2 of the Ministerial Ordinance Concerning Prudential Standards, etc. of Securities Company (before the Ordinance No. 33 of Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Finance of 1998 became effective on December 1, 1998) as applied by Paragraph 4 of Article 21 under the Ministerial Ordinance Concerning Foreign Securities Firms (before the Ordinance No. 37 of Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Finance of 1998 became effective on December 1, 1998) based upon Item (6), Paragraph 1 of Article 50 under the Securities and Exchange Law (before the Law No. 107 of 1998 became effective on December 1, 1998) as applied by Paragraph 1 of Article 17 under the Law on Foreign Securities Firms (before the Law No.107 of 1998 became effective on December 1, 1998).

Recommendations to the FSA | top