Press Conference by Taro Aso, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of State for Financial Services
(Friday, March 10, 2017, 8:17 am to 8:21 am)
[Questions and answers:]
- Q.
I would like to ask you about Toshiba’s earnings report. The company is planning to release its third-quarter financial statement next week on March 14, but this release had initially been scheduled for February 14, with Toshiba delaying it by saying that it needed to investigate its US nuclear power business. There now appear to be concerns that it may not be able to release this earnings report on March 14 either, so I would like to ask two questions: what are your views on this matter and, if Toshiba requests another postponement, will the Financial Services Agency and the Kanto Local Finance Bureau promptly grant this request?
- A.
When discussing Toshiba, we have to draw a clear distinction between the business of its US subsidiary and its business in Japan, as we do not know much about what is happening with its subsidiary in the US. As has been reported, there is even talk of Chapter 11 and, since the subsidiary’s earnings cannot be finalized until matters in the US are settled, it may be that Toshiba will also have difficulties in releasing its statements here. The circumstances at the moment are not very clear to me. In any case, they must move quickly and settle these matters by the end of this month.
- Q.
Then the announcement on the 14th will be delayed?
- A.
That we do not know.
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