Press Conference by Taro Aso, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and Minister of State for Financial Services
(Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 9:53 am to 9:56 am)
[Questions and answers:]
- Q.
Toshiba is undergoing corporate turnaround, and yesterday it announced its financial outlook using provisional figures not endorsed by an auditing firm. Toshiba is required to submit a securities report accompanied by an auditor’s opinion to the Kanto Local Finance Bureau at the end of June, so please tell us how you view the situation and what your thoughts are on Toshiba’s approach to information disclosure as a listed company.
- A.
The likelihood of a securities report being submitted is a matter pertaining to an individual company, so I do not comment on this. However, I understand that Toshiba announced at yesterday’s press conference that it intends to work with an auditing firm so that it can submit at least a securities report by the end of June, and we would like to keep a close eye on that process.
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