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Provisional Translation

Press Conference by SUZUKI Shunichi, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services


(Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 12:01 pm to 12:11 pm)

[Questions and answers:]


I understand that you just had an extraordinary cabinet meeting at which letters of resignation of all cabinet members were collected. Looking back over your tenure as Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services for the past ten months or so, what have been your most memorable experiences and what have you achieved thus far during your time in office?


I also served as Minister of State for Financial Services. My top priority in the financial administration has been to provide support to businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, price hikes and other factors. We have taken systemic measures in response to changes in the financial environment and economic and social conditions, among these being the establishment of a fund settlement system adapted to the digitalization of finance. Also, in keeping with the New Capitalism concept, we have endeavored to enhance the disclosure of human capital and other non-financial information to encourage constructive dialogue between investors and companies, and to promote sustainable finance to address social issues such as climate change to realize a sustainable society. It is important that we continue to robustly support the economy by exercising financial intermediary functions as well as promote a shift from savings to investment by, for example, considering the Doubling Asset-based Incomes Plan and I believe solid progress continue to be made under the new cabinet.

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