(Provisional translation)
November 13, 2015
Financial Services Agency

Publication of “IFRS Adoption Report”

The FSA published “IFRS Adoption Report” on April 15, 2015.

“Japan Revitalization Strategy (Revised in 2014),” stated the following: “the Government will conduct a fact-finding survey and interviews to ascertain how companies that have voluntarily adopted IFRS overcame any challenges they faced during their transition to IFRS, as well as the advantages brought about by their shift to IFRS. It will then publish its findings from the above in the form of “IFRS Adoption Report (tentative name)” to serve as a useful reference for companies considering adopting IFRS.”

The report is composed of the Main Part and the Reference Part. On publication of the full English version, we revised the Main Part, which was already published in April.


Corporate Accounting and Disclosure Division, Planning and Coordination Bureau
Financial Services Agency
Email: accounting@fsa.go.jp
Tel +81-(0)3-3506-6000 (main)
(ext. 3673)

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