(Provisional Translation)
February 14, 2017
Exchange of Letters on co-operation in the area of banking supervision with the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI)
- The Financial Services Agency (FSA) exchanged the Letters on co-operation in the area of banking supervision with the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) on February 12, 2017.
- This exchange of Letters intends to facilitate co-operation for effective consolidated supervision and performance of their respective duties for the safe and sound functioning of banking organizations in their countries.
- The contents of the Letters include, but are not limited to, the following:
- the authorities will provide relevant information to their counterpart regarding supervisory concerns;
- the authorities will notify each other of plans to visit a cross-border establishment in each other’s jurisdiction and following the visit, an exchange of views may take place between both authorities; and
- confidentiality of information exchanged, etc.
Financial Services Agency
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