(Provisional Translation)
March 18, 2021
Announcements Pertaining to Global Money Week 2021
Global Money Week or “GMW” is an international awareness campaign which originally started in 2012 to promote financial education and financial inclusion for children and young people by an international NPO. In 2020, the OECD International Network on Financial Education (hereinafter referred to as the OECD/INFE) took over the role of the GMW secretariat and, as for “Global Money Week 2021” which will take place from March 22 through 28, the OECD/INFE and participating regulators/policy makers of OECD/INFE member countries will take leading roles in hosting events for the promotion of the financial education of children and youth around the world by calling for support from relevant organizations in each country and region to participate in financial education activities.
As an OECD/INFE-participating authority* in Japan, the FSA has endorsed the objectives of Global Money Week which are primarily aimed at raising awareness of the importance of financial education and financial inclusion for children and youth as well as providing all children and youth with opportunities for financial education and financial inclusion. The FSA and other relevant organizations plan to organize various events as part of “Global Money Week 2021” to promote financial education for children and youth from March 22 through 28.
* The Bank of Japan (BOJ) is another.
Reference URL: Global Money Week Official Website (available only in English)
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Financial Services Agency (FSA)
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