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December 24, 2024
(Japanese version: published April 23, 2024)
Financial Services Agency

Results of the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment for Financial Institutions (FY2023)

With cyberattacks increasing, it has become more important to develop cybersecurity management posture and ensure its effectiveness. Given this background, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) developed a tool for conducting a self-assessment of cybersecurity management posture, with which individual financial institutions are to identify their own positions in comparison with other financial institutions and also identify areas of their own challenges. The FSA and the BOJ have been requesting financial institutions to conduct cybersecurity self-assessment (CSSA) using the tool and then providing them with overall results since FY2022. In FY 2022, this initiative was implemented for regional financial institutions. In FY 2023, it was expanded to include insurance companies and securities companies.

Based on the results of the CSSA conducted in FY2023, the FSA publishes the overview of cybersecurity management posture of regional financial institutions, insurance companies and securities companies, as well as key points for further strengthening cybersecurity management posture.

For the results of regional financial institutions, please refer to "Bank of Japan's Financial System Report Annex : Results of the Cybersecurity Self-Assessment for Regional Financial Institutions (FY2023)" (Financial System and Bank Examination Department, BOJ; Strategy Development and Management Bureau, FSA), as indicated below. 

For the results of insurance companies and securities companies, please refer to the documents below.

Please refer to the outline below for the aggregated results of insurance companies and securities companies.


Office of Policy Coordination for IT Risk, Cybersecurity and Economic Security, Risk Analysis Division, Strategy Development and Management Bureau, Financial Services Agency

Tel +81-(0)3-3506-6000(ext. 2217, 3850)

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