May 24, 2021
Financial Services Agency

Bridge Loans Until the Payment of Cooperation Money, etc. to Dining and Drinking Establishments

 We appreciate your steady efforts for providing cash flow support for companies while preventing the spread of infection.
Due to continued spread of the COVID-19 infection, prefectures have issued requests to shorten service hours to dining and drinking establishments in respective areas subject to semi-emergency coronavirus measures and other areas. The national government reviewed the system for cooperation money and made modifications to pay money to cooperative proprietors in accordance with their business size on April 1, 2021 (see the Attachment ※Abailable in Japanese).
With regard to cash flow support for business owners, including proprietors of eating and drinking places, the Financial Services Agency issued notices titled "Facilitation of Fiscal Year-end Finance for Companies" (on March 8, 2021) and "Cash Flow Support for Companies Including Those Providing Accommodation and Eating and Drinking Services, etc. (Request)" (on March 25, 2021), etc., and has requested financial institutions to make flexible responses to the extent possible depending on individual circumstances, such as by actively providing new loans for funds that are necessary until various benefits are actually paid.
While you have been making the utmost efforts based on these requests, we would like to ask your cooperation additionally in providing prompt and active cash flow support in accordance with the circumstances and needs of respective businesses, including the provision of bridge loans for funds that are necessary until the cooperation money and other benefits are actually paid. Please properly inform the members of your association.

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