Support for Victims in the Event of a Disaster, etc.
― Request for Financial Measures ―
In the event of a serious disaster, etc. where the Disaster Relief Act is applied, in light of the circumstances of damage that are likely to hinder the financial transactions of depositors and businesses, the Financial Services Agency and local finance bureaus request financial institutions to take appropriate financial measures, such as flexibly accommodating requests for withdrawals of deposits, handling procedures for negotiable instruments and checks, responding to consultations on loans for urgently required funds, promptly paying insurance benefits, and giving deferments for the payment of insurance premiums, while ensuring the safety of customers and employees.
We ask all of you to understand our efforts for supporting disaster victims and behave calmly even in an emergency while giving top priority to ensuring your life and safety.
The Financial Services Agency and local finance bureaus will continue efforts to ensure financial functions and support victims even in the event of a disaster, etc. in close cooperation and collaboration with financial institutions and other related bodies.
* Specific requests may vary depending on the circumstances of the disaster and damage.
[Requests to Financial Institutions]
1. Requests to Depository Institutions
(1) Even in cases where deposit certificates, passbooks, registered seals, etc. are lost, withdrawals shall be permitted after confirming that the request was made by the depositor himself/herself with a confirmation method that takes into account the disaster situation, etc. of the disaster victim, etc.
(2) Accommodate customers' requests for premature withdrawals of time deposits or installment savings depending on the circumstances. Also accommodate customers' requests for new loans using those time deposits or installment savings as collateral.
(3) Regarding negotiable instruments whose maturity dates have passed due to a disaster, etc., deem them collectable through negotiations with relevant financial institutions.
(4) Regarding negotiable instruments and checks for which payments have become impossible due to a disaster, etc., give due consideration to their inclusion in reports of dishonor and dispositions to suspend transactions. Also give due consideration in the same manner regarding dispositions to suspend transactions and cancellations of service contracts for electronically recorded monetary claims.
(5) Respond to requests for the exchange of damaged bills and coins.
(6) Respond to consultations from customers who have lost government bond certificates.
(7) Take measures properly on a timely basis in light of the situation of a disaster, etc. and emergency fund needs, such as opening an office for consultations concerning loans, simplifying loan screening procedures including the minimization of documents to be submitted, speeding up the provision of loans and granting debt moratoriums or otherwise altering existing loan conditions, in consideration of the convenience for customers affected by the disaster, etc.
(8) Appropriately respond to consultations concerning the use of the Guidelines for Debt Consolidation for Victims of Natural Disasters, including the provision of explanations of the procedures for and effects of the use of the Guidelines.
(9) Even for procedures that require the submission of a disaster victim certificate, process them in consideration of the convenience for disaster victims, such as confirming customers' damage by other means like seeking the submission of photos showing damage and admitting the submission of a disaster victim certificate later, depending on the status of issuance of certificates by municipalities.
(10) Also consider offering services on holidays and out-of-hours services as necessary. Even if over-the-counter services are impossible, continue repayment of deposits with ATMs or otherwise take measures appropriately in consideration of the convenience for disaster victims.
(11) Put up the information regarding the measures mentioned in (1) to (10) above at individual branches and endeavor to disseminate the information as broadly as possible among customers.
(12) Promptly put up posters informing the names of the branches that have suspended services or the branches where ATMs continue to be available at relevant branches, and post relevant information in newspapers and on websites, in order to thoroughly disseminate it among customers.
2. Requests to Securities Companies, etc.
(1) Even in cases where registered seals, etc. are lost, refund shall be permitted after confirming that the request was made by the account holder with a confirmation method that takes into account the disaster situation, etc. of the disaster victim, etc.
(2) Offer cooperation to customers who have lost securities certificates for the procedures for requesting reissuance.
(3) Make the utmost efforts to accommodate requests from disaster victims seeking the immediate payment of sales proceeds or cancellation refunds of securities in custody.
(4) Put up the information regarding the measures mentioned in (1) to (3) above at individual branches and endeavor to disseminate the information as broadly as possible among customers.
(5) Promptly put up posters informing the names of the branches that have suspended over-the-counter services at relevant branches, and post relevant information in newspapers and on websites, in order to thoroughly disseminate it among customers.
(6) Otherwise give due consideration in offering customer services.
3. Requests to Life/Non-life Insurance Companies and Small Amount and Short Term Insurance Companies
(1) In cases where insurance policy certificates or registered seals are lost, provide as much convenience as possible, such as giving advice to customers for claiming the payment of insurance benefits as long as the details of the insurance policies are confirmed.
(2) Endeavor to pay life or non-life insurance benefits as promptly as possible.
(3) Provide as much convenience as possible regarding policyholders' payment of life or non-life insurance premiums, such as extending moratoriums depending on individual disaster victims' circumstances.
(4) Put up the information regarding the measures mentioned in (1) to (3) above at individual branches and endeavor to disseminate the information as broadly as possible among customers.
(5) Promptly put up posters informing the names of the branches that have suspended over-the-counter services at relevant branches, and post relevant information in newspapers and on websites, in order to thoroughly disseminate it among customers.
4. Requests to Electronic Monetary Claim Recording Institutions
(1) Give due consideration to dispositions to suspend transactions and cancellations of service contracts for electronically recorded monetary claims regarding disaster victims.
(2) Consider offering services on holidays and out-of-hours services as necessary.
(3) Put up the information regarding the measures mentioned in (1) and (2) above at individual branches.
(4) Promptly put up posters informing the names of the branches that have suspended services at relevant branches, and post relevant information in newspapers and on websites, in order to thoroughly disseminate it among customers.
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Research Office, Planning and Management Division, Supervision Bureau, Financial Services Agency
Tel:+81-3-3506-6000(ex:2688, 3312)
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