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April 15, 2016
Financial Services Agency

The FSA’s Approach to Introduce the TLAC Framework

Taking account of the progress in international discussions on developing a framework for an orderly resolution of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), the Financial Services Agency (FSA) releases its approach to introduce the TLAC framework for Japanese G-SIBs as hereto attached.

Based on the policy described in the attached document and further deliberations, the relevant regulations (including supervisory guidelines) will be revised.

A revised version of this document was published in April 2018.

Following this document, in March 2019 the FSA published the final rules on the TLAC requirements on Japanese financial institutions and the capital requirements for holding TLAC instruments.


Financial Services Agency
Tel +81-(0)3-3506-6000 (main)
Prudential Standards Office, Supervisory Coordination Division, Supervisory Bureau (ext. 3718)
Financial System Stabilization Management Office, Supervisory Coordination Division, Supervisory Bureau (ext. 3269)
Banks Division I, Supervisory Bureau (ext. 3441)
General Coordination Division, Office of International Affairs, Planning and Coordination Bureau (ext. 3895)

The FSA’s Approach to Introduce the TLAC Framework (PDF:106KB)

(Annex) A Model of Procedures of Orderly Resolution under the SPE Strategy for Japanese G-SIBs (PDF:150KB)

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