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July 21, 2023
Financial Services Agency

"Report by the Working Group on Financial Institutions’ Efforts towards Decarbonization of the Economy" (Provisional Translation) Announced

 As the movement towards carbon neutral ("net zero") by 2050 is accelerating in Japan and overseas, decarbonization initiatives by financial institutions are becoming increasingly important.

 Specifically, it is necessary to promote decarbonization of the real economy through engagements between financial institutions and client companies toward decarbonization and the development of transition plans by non-financial companies.

 In the context of this awareness, the Working Group on Financial Institutions' Efforts towards the Decarbonization of the Economy (Chair: Professor Naoko Nemoto, Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University) held wide-ranging discussions on initiatives by financial institutions towards decarbonization, inviting relevant organizations in Japan and overseas as guest speakers on a total of seven occasions since October 2022.

 Based on these discussions, the Working Group has compiled the "Report by the Working Group on Financial Institutions’ Efforts towards Decarbonization of the Economy" as a guide for financial institutions' initiatives towards net zero.
 PDFReport by the Working Group on Financial Institutions’ Efforts towards Decarbonization of the Economy
 PDFReport by the Working Group on Financial Institutions’ Efforts towards Decarbonization of the Economy (Overview)
Financial Services Agency TEL: +81 -(0)3-3506-6000 (main)
Sustainable Finance Office, Strategy Development Division, Strategy Development and Management Bureau (Ext. 2770, 5403)

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