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July 21, 2023
Financial Services Agency
Bank of Japan
(Japanese version: published June 23, 2023)

Progress in Data Integration and Next Steps

     The Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) have been taking initiatives toward data integration with a view to further enhancing their monitoring capabilities and reducing the burden on financial institutions. In fiscal 2022, the FSA and the BOJ coordinated to conduct a joint experiment to deliberate on a more effective and efficient framework for data collection and management (common data platform). We have published a summary of the progress and next steps as follows:

PDFProgress in Data Integration and Next Steps (PDF:0.7MB).

1. For the FSA’s analysis on climate-related risks with granular data collected in the joint experiment, see FSA Analytical Notes (available only in Japanese).
2. For a summary of progress in other initiatives for further strengthening coordination between the FSA and the BOJ, see PDFCoordination in Financial Monitoring between the Financial Services Agency and the Bank of Japan (PDF:0.7MB).

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