Bilateral meeting between Commissioner Kurita and Chairman Kim, the Financial Services Commission of the Republic of Korea

 On October 3, Commissioner Kurita(photo:right) held an in-person bilateral meeting with Mr. Kim Joo-hyun, Chairman of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) of the Republic of Korea(photo:left).

 At the meeting, they agreed to resume the Shuttle Meeting. They also agreed on the usefulness of sharing expertise on climate change and the digitalization of financial services, and they discussed a wide range of issues in which both the authorities could possibly deepen their further cooperation.

 A joint press release on the meeting by the Financial Services Agency and the FSC has been published.

 For more details, please refer to the following:
 PDFJoint Press-Release by the Financial Services Agency of Japan and the Financial Services Commission 
  of the Republic of Korea
  (PDF 8KB 

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