Provisional Translation
Press Conference by SUZUKI Shunichi, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services
(Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 9:46 am to 9:51 am)
- Q.
DMM Bitcoins, a cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it found an unauthorized leakage of bitcoins worth 48 billion yen. How do you think of this incident and what measures are to be taken from now?
- A.
On Friday, May 31, DMM Bitcoins found an unauthorized leakage of bitcoins worth approximately 48.2 billion yen, which had been deposited by its users. It is very regrettable.
The very day on which the incident occurred, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) issued an order to request reporting under the Payment Services Act to requested the company to report its analysis of causes and policies for compensation to customers.
The day before yesterday, on Sunday, June 2, we received the first report from the company. The company explains that it is currently identifying the causes and will compensate for the entire amount of the leaked bitcoins with the support from its group companies. The company will promptly deliberate on concrete methods and timing for the compensation and will announce them.
Based on an order to request reporting, the FSA will carefully follow up with the company's responsive measures, including identifying the causes, and will make responses appropriately from the perspective of protecting users.
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