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Provisional Translation

Press Conference by SUZUKI Shunichi, Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services


(Friday, June 28, 2024, 11:20 am to 11:32 am)


We have just received approval at the Cabinet meeting and the officers of the Ministry of Finance and the Financial Services Agency (FSA) are to be reassigned as shown in the material.
As for the FSA, Mr. Kurita, the current FSA Commissioner, will resign and be succeeded by Mr. Ito, the current Director-General of the Policy and Markets Bureau. 
Mr. Yufu, the current Director-General of the Strategy Development and Management Bureau, will assume the office of Director-General of the Policy and Markets Bureau, and Mr. Yashiki, the current Deputy Director-General of the Strategy Development and Management Bureau, will assume the office of Director-General of the Strategy Development and Management Bureau. Mr. Ariizumi, Vice Minister for International Affairs, Mr. Ishida, Vice Commissioner for Strategy Development and Management, Mr. Horimoto, Vice Commissioner for Strategy Development and Evidence-based Policymaking, Mr. Miyoshi, Vice Commissioner for International Affairs and Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Mr. Ito, Director-General of the Supervision Bureau, and Mr. Inoue, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, are reappointed.

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