SESC Latest Topics No.17«October 2015» Last Updated : October 29, 2015

What’s New on the SESC Website

(Month of October 2015)

This page contains the latest in events, developments, and updates to the SESC website.


Press Releases

(Following press release is available in English)

(Following press release is available in Japanese)

Financial Instruments Businesses etc.

October 6, 2015:

Recommendation for administrative action against Investment College, new window


The SESC recommended that the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of the FSA take administrative action against Investment College, Inc. (“the Company”), an Investment Advisor/Agency.

Based on an inspection of the Company, the SESC identified it engaged in discretionary investment management business without statutory registration.

Market Misconduct

October 9, 2015:

Recommendation to impose an administrative penalty order against a former officer of Skymark Airlines Inc. for committing insider trading related to shares of Skymark Airlines new window


The SESC recommended that the Prime Minister and the commissioner of the FSA impose an administrative penalty order of 2,380,000 yen against a former officer of Skymark Airlines Inc.

The SESC determined, based on an inspection, that the offender had committed insider trading by purchasing shares of Skymark Airlines Inc. using the insider information.

False Disclosure Statement

October 16, 2015:

Recommendation to impose an administrative penalty order against Japan Best Rescue System Co., Ltd. for making false statements in its disclosure documentsopen new window


The SESC recommended the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of the FSA to impose an administrative penalty order of 165,090,000 yen against Japan Best Rescue System Co., Ltd. ("the company").

Based on an inspection of the company's disclosure statements, the SESC has determined that the company made false statements in its ongoing disclosure documents and offering disclosure documents, which overstated sales amounts by recording earlier or fictitious sales, and which did not record appropriate provision for contract loss as well as appropriate impairment loss on non-current assets, including goodwill, related to the subsidiary.

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