Success Stories

List of Companies that Registered or Submitted Notifications in English

This is a list of companies that have successfully completed registration or notification in English through the Financial Market Entry Office.
There are also interview articles in which companies detail their reasons for entering the Japan market and their expectations regarding future business development opportunities in Japan.

List of Companies that Registered in English
Gaw Capital Advisors Japan K.K.
Completed registration of business: May 14, 2024
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Brookfield Japan Kabushiki Kaisha
Registration of additional business type: April 12, 2024
Type II Financial Instruments Business
(Completed registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business: November 26, 2020)
Alpha Financial Advisors G.K.
Completed registration of business: March 19, 2024
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Hines Japan Real Estate GK
Completed registration of business: February 28, 2024
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
StepStone Group LP
Registration of additional business type: February 9, 2024
Type II Financial Instruments Business
(Completed registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business: June 13, 2014)
Registration to change business type: January 26, 2024
Investment Management Business
(Completed registration of Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors: August 31, 2017)
Interview >
Newton Investment Management Japan Ltd.
Registration of additional business type: January 19, 2024
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
(Completed registration of Investment Management Business: December 2, 2022)
Muzinich & Co. Japan Pte. Limited
Completed registration of business: January 12, 2024
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Carlyle Japan, LLC
Completed registration of business: December 20, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Impax Asset Management Japan Ltd.
Completed registration of business: December 8, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Tishman Speyer Japan GK
Registration of additional business type: October 16, 2023
Type II Financial Instruments Business
(Completed registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business: March 2, 2023)
New Mountain Capital Japan GK
Completed registration of business: September 15, 2023
Type II Financial Instruments Business
Interview >
MABE Japan K.K.
(January 18, 2024, changed company name to MA Alternatives K.K.)
Completed registration of business: September 8, 2023
Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors
EQT Exeter Japan K.K.
Completed registration of business: August 23, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
PE Investments Japan GK
Completed registration of business: July 26, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Sanford C. Bernstein Japan KK
Completed registration of business: June 23, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
EG Japan KK
Completed registration of business: April 27, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Macquarie Asset Management Japan Co., Ltd.
Registration of additional business type: April 25, 2023
Type II Financial Instruments Business
(Completed registration of Investment Management Business and Investment Advisory and Agency Business: April 11, 2014)
Notification of business: March 31, 2023
Specially Permitted Business for Foreign Investors, etc.
Interview >
Frontier Advisors Japan GK
Completed registration of business: March 31, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
18 Salisbury Capital Japan KK
Completed registration of business: March 20, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Yawara Capital Co., Ltd.
Completed registration of business: March 2, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Tishman Speyer Japan GK
Completed registration of business: March 2, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Completed registration of business: January 13, 2023
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Newton Investment Management Japan Ltd.
Completed registration of business: December 2, 2022
Investment Management Business
HS Group Japan Cayman
Completed registration of business: November 4, 2022
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
EQT Partners Japan K.K.
Registration of additional business type: September 7, 2022
Type II Financial Instruments Business
(Completed registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business: December 14, 2021)
Citadel Securities Japan Co., Ltd.
Completed registration of business: August 17, 2022
Type I Financial Instruments Business
Columbia Threadneedle Investments Japan Co., Ltd.
Registration of additional business type: August 15, 2022
Type II Financial Instruments Business
(Completed registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business: August 25, 2021)
Pantheum Partners Co. Limited
Completed registration of business: July 26, 2022
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
BMO Japan Securities Ltd
Completed registration of business: June 27, 2022
Type I Financial Instruments Business
Interview >
Federated Hermes Japan Ltd.
Completed registration of business: April 12, 2022
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Minerva Growth Partners, Inc.
Completed registration of business: February 22, 2022
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
EQT Partners Japan K.K.
Completed registration of business: December 14, 2021
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Dymon Asia Capital (Japan) Limited
Registration of additional business type: August 7, 2021
Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors
(Completed registration of Investment Advisory and Agency Business: February 13, 2019)
Columbia Threadneedle Investments Japan Co., Ltd.
Completed registration of business: August 25, 2021
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Interview >
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors (Japan) Pte. Ltd.
Completed registration of business: May 21, 2021
Investment Management Business, Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Affirmative Investment Management
Completed registration of business: April 16, 2021
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
*Discontinuation of Financial Instruments Business on April 19, 2023 due to integration with MetLife Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Interview >
List of financial instruments business operators EXCEL
List of licensed (registered) financial institutions