- 日時: 令和5年2月22日(水曜日)15時00分~17時00分
【柳川座長】 それでは、ただいまよりインパクト投資等に関する検討会第5回会合を開催いたします。皆様御多忙のところ、御参集いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
【西田サステナブルファイナンス推進室長】 お手元の資料に沿って御説明させていただければと思います。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございました。
【正木メンバー】 ありがとうございます。全部の論点に触れるのはとても無理なので、Measurement(測定)についてコメントしたいと思います。測定というのは、仮説を立てて、その仮説に沿って社会的なインパクトがあるかどうかを測るものです。したがって、良い仮説を、政府のまさにこの場のような検討の場で、投融資する側と事業会社と政府などの公共サイドで共有できるようになるといいと思います。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【安間メンバー】 ありがとうございます。事務局の資料、非常にきれいにまとめていただいていると思います。ただ、Intentionality、Additionality、Measurementのところですが、これは、3つともすべてが論理的につながっている話ですね。Intentionalityがあるから、管理(マネジメント)をしなければいけない。管理をしなければいけないので、そのために測定も必要になるというふうに、すべて論理的につながっている話です。より分かりやすく言うと、Additionalityのところは、金融機関としてちゃんとインパクトの創出についてマネジメントするということです。そういうふうに言い換えても分かりやすいかなと思いました。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【渋澤メンバー】 ありがとうございます。また、説明のところ、いろいろまとめていただいて、大変感謝しております。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【太田メンバー】 ありがとうございます。本日、資料をまとめていただいて、本当にありがとうございました。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【林メンバー】 御指名ありがとうございます。事務局の皆様、論点の取りまとめ、ありがとうございました。たくさんの論点を挙げていただいていますけれども、全体として、方向性には賛成しております。その上で、コメントさせていただきたい点だけに絞って、発言を手短にさせていただければと思います。
これまでの会合でも、例えば、第2回の会合で高塚さんの御発表に出てきた、投資先企業と密なコミュニケーションを通じたIMMの支援ですとか、生保協会さんの発表に出てきた、目的を同じくする投資家による協働での取組み、あるいは、第3回のBreakthrough Energyさんの御紹介に出てきた政策へのエンゲージメントとか、需要側の行動変容への働きかけとか、様々な創意工夫、ヒントが出てきたように思いますけれども、こうした様々な取組みを広く紹介しつつ、さらに試行錯誤とか創意工夫を促すような形で、基本的指針の策定を目指していくという方向性が重要なのかなというふうに思います。
あと最後に1点だけ。すみません、ちょっと長くなっているんですけれども、要件の3つ目の測定に関して、英語でImpact Measurementと言うと、何万人の人々をケアしたとか、何トンの温暖化ガスの排出を減らしたとか、何億円の経済効果を生み出したとか、数量的に測るということだけではなくて、例えば、5段階評価するとか、より定性的に効果を評価、確認するということも含む、定量的な評価だけではない、定性的な評価も含めた概念だというふうに思いますので、資料で御指摘されているように、定量的な把握がなじまない分野の投資を抑制するとか、定量化は容易だが、広がりが限定的な分野に投資が誘導されるといった点、こういったことが生じないように、Measurementの概念についてはより丁寧に記述していただくことを希望したいというふうに思います。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございました。
【吉田メンバー】 ありがとうございます。事務局の方、非常にクリアに、かつ分かりやすく整理をしていただきまして、ありがとうございます。大変頭の整理になりました。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【高塚メンバー】 どうもありがとうございます。資料がすばらしくまとめられている点に関し、皆様と同意で、ありがとうございました。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【馬田メンバー】 取りまとめていただいて、ありがとうございました。委員の皆様からあったとおり、非常に分かりやすく、しかもロジカルにまとまっているなと思った次第です。特に境界値のような例を用いてインパクト投資とESG投資の違いを説明する部分は、非常に分かりやすいなというふうに思いました。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【金井メンバー】 私も皆さんがおっしゃるとおり、そのまま指針にも使えるなということで、すばらしいまとめをしていただいたなと思います。
一方、インパクトウォッシュについては、やはり今後問題になってくると思います。UNEP FIのポジティブインパクト金融原則には、ネガティブインパクトは必ず抑制しつつ、ポジティブインパクトは伸ばすべきだと書かれています。インパクトウォッシュにならないようにネガティブインパクトの抑制は必ず織り込んだほうがよいということも指針の中にも入れてもいいのかなと思います。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【野村メンバー】 では、コンパクトにお話をさせていただきます。やはり社会課題の解決とSDGs目標の達成に向けて、インパクト投資は非常に有効であると主張することが重要です。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【水口副座長】 ありがとうございます。皆様のお話を聞いて、そのとおりだなと思ったところですが、特に金融庁としてガイダンスを出すということの意義は非常に大きいと思います。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【吉澤メンバー】 吉澤でございます。おまとめいただきまして、ありがとうございます。全体を通じまして、本当にこのとおりだなというところもありまして発言していなかったのですが、今、水口先生からもありましたように、ウォッシュのところについては、やはり今度評価を受ける側からすると、非常に注意しなければいけないところかなと思っております。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【木田メンバー】 ありがとうございます。事務局の皆様のまとめていただいた内容で、私としては特に追加で申し上げるところはないんですけども、とても分かりやすくつくっていただいていますので、こちらをベースに進めていただけたらと思います。
【柳川座長】 それでは、安間委員、お願いいたします。
【安間メンバー】 では、短くコメントします。今の木田委員の御発言と、それから金井さんのほうからもお話のあった、協調的にコレクティブに連帯してインパクト投資を推進していくという、それが一つウォッシュを防ぐ手だてにもなるので、改めての必要性を強調させていただきたいと思いますし、それから、水口先生からお話のありました、いま議論していることはバージョン1ですが、これをそのままで終わらせずに、来年度以降もフォローアップして、進化していくインパクト投資市場の要請とかステークホルダーの要求水準に応えていくという、継続的な取組の必要性についても賛同いたします。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【角田メンバー】 ありがとうございます。私のようなあまりふだんから投資というスタートアップの立場として理解が乏しい者にも、すごく分かりやすい資料にまとめていただき、ありがとうございました。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【浅利メンバー】 株式会社Atomisの浅利です。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【高塚メンバー】 今のお話を受けて、インパクトを可視化していくときの課題の重要性という「マテアリティ」という概念は今回の資料にはなかったなというふうに、今思いましたので共有します。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【西田サステナブルファイナンス推進室長】 ありがとうございます。これまでコンセプトの御議論をかなりいただきましたので、具体的にどのように進めることが良いのか、次回御議論いただければと考えております。
【柳川座長】 ありがとうございます。
【西田サステナブルファイナンス推進室長】 ダイアナさん、本日は御参加をいただきまして、ありがとうございます。
【Diana Philip様】 Thank you. Good morning. Apologies if I'm coming in at the wrong place here. Sadly, my Japanese is not really up to scratch. Am I right in saying that this is now time for us to impact investing at Baillie Gifford? Okay. I understand that somebody is going to be sharing a presentation on our behalf. Would it be possible for you to please start sharing sites? I am going to begin on slide 8, page 10. Perfect. Previous to that, please. It is the one on which talks about our beliefs.
Firstly, I would really like to just thank you all for the opportunity to discuss how we think about impact investing at Baillie Gifford. It's a real honor to be able to speak with you today. My colleague, Eri-san, who is also on this call, has been filling me in on some of the discussion that you have been having in the last 15 minutes.
This is a very important area. It's a very interesting area and it's an area which is still evolving. Over the next 30 minutes or so, I really hope that I will be able to address the points that you raised in the briefing with me. Please do let me know if anything isn't clear or if I can provide further context or clarity on anything. Just by way of introduction, my name is Diana Philip. I'm a product specialist at Baillie Gifford, Director in the Clients Department. And I have a particular focus on our positive change strategy, which is our strategy that is dedicated to impact investing. Would you like me to pause here for translation?
【松原様】 Diana, hi. This is Eri. So yes, they are getting the simultaneous interpretation. And you can also get that English version of simultaneous interpretation if you look at "S" icon in the left hand side bottom of the WebEx screen. I think you can see that, yes. And if you switch it to English, that you will probably hear the English version of interpretation.
【Diana Philip様】 Perfect. That's great. Thank you so much. Hopefully, we have now all of the teething problems out of the way and my apologies this is the first time that I have spoken to our acquaintances in Japan, so I'm not used to simultaneous interpretation. Over the course of the presentation, what I would really like to do is to spend some time articulating what we mean by impact investing at Baillie Gifford. I would also like to explain impact investing in the context of the challenges that we face globally and the companies whose products and services, we believe are helping to solve some of these challenges.
Finally, I would also like to describe how we monitor and report against our impact objective and then map companies to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This really helps to assist with monitoring and reporting impact, we believe. Just by way of introduction, positive change is a global equity impact strategy. It has two equally important objectives, whereby we aim to make attractive returns and contribute to a more sustainable world. We don't do this through exclusions. We do this by investing in what we believe to be a small number of very exceptional businesses, whose products and services we believe are providing solutions to many of the global challenges that we are facing today.
So let me begin by our beliefs within the positive change strategy and why we believe that this really matters. And I hope that this will go to addressing some of the questions that you raised around investing for impact in the listed space. First and foremost, investment is important. Capital is an incredibly powerful mechanism for change. If you look at the challenges that the world is facing today, it's obvious that a huge deal of capital is going to be required to be able to address them. Far more than government alone, asset managers, asset owners will have a really big part to play. And critically, we believe that addressing these opportunities and challenges is going to bring opportunity for investors.
This brings us to our second belief. We believe that if we can identify high quality and well-run companies that are addressing society's challenges through their products and services, they should prosper in the long term. We believe that companies whose products and services are addressing global challenges should see rising demand. They are naturally growth businesses. They will have the ability to be able to build stronger competitive positions through loyal customers and attract therefore more talented and motivated employees.
Finally, change takes time. Us at Baillie Gifford and Edinburgh are very long-term in our time horizon. We've now been investing as a firm for over 120 years. Long-termism is even more important for impact investing and our positive change strategy. The challenges that the world is facing today aren't going to be solved overnight. They're not going to be sorted over the next quarter or even the next 12 months. We think that you need to have a multi-year time horizon when you're thinking about these challenges. Patience, perseverance and thoughtfulness are there for absolutely essential when investing for impact. And our century of investing has really instilled these disciplines in us.
Given the fact that the problems the world is facing are complex, they're interlinked. We think that a really thoughtful approach is required. There's not a single rule of thumb or a screen that is going to work here. And these problems, as I've said, are really going to take a very long time to address. So being long term, being willing to see beyond the next quarter is really important.
If we switch to the next slide, please, positive change at a glance. Our core beliefs have given rise to two objectives within this strategy, which are equally important.
The first objective is one that most global equity, well, all global equity strategies will have – to deliver returns, to focus on returns. Within positive change, we aim to deliver attractive long-term returns. We're looking for companies that can double in market cap over the next five years through their revenue and earning's growth. But crucially, for this impact strategy – we have a dual objective. And this is our only strategy at Baillie Gifford to have a dual objective. The second objective is to contribute towards a more sustainable and inclusive world. Importantly, these two objectives are of equal importance to the strategy. There are no compromises. Every company must meet both objectives for inclusion in the portfolio. We aren't going to invest in a company that is doing something beneficial for the world if we can't also see its ability to deliver attractive investment returns and vice versa.
We run a concentrated portfolio within positive change. The stock ranges 25 to 50, and it's a global best ideas strategy. There are currently just over 30 names in the portfolio. I'm not going to spend too much time on the rest of this slide, but just a couple of other high level points. We are very active in our approach. So we're very different from the benchmark. Active share is typically 95% and above. And as I've said, we're long-term. Change is going to take time, impact takes time. So our investment horizon is 5 to 10 years, and turnover is typically below 20%. And then, finally, we take a positive and proactive approach. We look to invest in the very best companies, not to screen out the worst ones.
We think that providing capital to those companies that do good, rather than withholding it from those that do harm is an effective way to drive change. So we're really within this strategy. Our core belief within impact is to look for companies for whom delivering a positive impact is absolutely core to their business. Products and services are going to be offering an improvement to what is the status quo. And we're also looking for companies that conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. We are very aware, however, that impact, that positive change, how we describe our impact strategy is a really broad term.
So if we turn to the next slide, to help us articulate how we think a company is driving positive change, we have developed within Baillie Gifford four impact themes – social inclusion and education, environment and resource needs, health care and quality of life, and base of the pyramid. And I will just go through each of these in turn to talk a little bit more about what we mean by each of these themes. What I would highlight though is that when we invest in positive change, we don't use this as a tool to allocate a specific percentage within the portfolio to any one theme. The output is really a result of our bottom up stock picking and the enthusiasm that the team has for ideas.
So there can be—it's not going to be 25% dedicated by theme. So if we go through each of the four themes in turn, starting by social inclusion and education, what we're thinking about here is that society has made huge progress. Of course it has. The number of people today that are living in poverty has declined significantly over the last 200 years. And more recently, we have seen enormous strides in terms of improving basic living standards. We've also seen significant technological advancement, which has really helped to move society on. But what we recognized within positive change is that these benefits really haven't been shared universally.
As a consequence, inequality is still a significant problem. And we believe that it is a problem that is growing and can be tackled. Within social inclusion and education, we are therefore looking for companies that are providing a way to really help reduce inequalities by removing barriers to equality. Access to information and education are key tools here to really help provide a more inclusive and a peaceful world. So we are looking for companies that are really able to enable innovation, improve access and lower cost.
The second area that we are looking for companies is what we call environment and resource needs. The global population is continuing to grow and this is a good thing. And there are more of us and the intensity though of our impact on the environment is also growing. And climate change is arguably the most significant challenge of our time and a really major threat to society. And human activities are creating pollution in numerous forms today. What we are trying to identify here are companies that can help to decouple economic growth from resource use that can really help to transform existing industries such as autos or energy or agriculture.
The third area is healthcare and quality of life. And here, we recognize that whilst we're living longer, we're not necessarily living healthier or happier lives. Since 1870, life expectancy has increased by around 40 years. We've seen huge advances in medicine and these have really been astonishing. But we face different challenges and new challenges today. We think that the good news here is that we're really at a turning point for healthcare. New technologies should be able to enable us to meet unmet needs and new challenges. So within this bucket, we are looking for companies that can advance our understanding of diseases, assist with diagnostics, provide better treatment to patients, contribute to disease prevention and really help to realize efficiencies within the healthcare system.
The final bucket is the bucket that we've termed base of pyramid. Since the 1800s, the percentage of the world's population that is living in poverty has really declined significantly. But we must acknowledge that there are still a significant amount of people in countries that are trapped in poverty, and 3 billion people today are still living on less than 300 US dollars a year. Together, these populations form a category which is known as or defined as base of the pyramid. And the challenges here are really complex. And we have identified this as an area to hunt for attractive companies that can deliver impact to really help countries and individuals develop.
I am going to skip over the next few slides, which really focus on our investment process and the investment aspect of positive change as I know that focus of your day is all about impact and I would like to talk about how we approach impact analysis. As I've already mentioned, there aren't any compromises when a company enters our portfolio, companies must meet both our investment and impact objectives. For that reason, we have dedicated impact analysts who work alongside the investors, not only to conduct pre-buy analysis into holdings in the portfolio, but also in terms of assisting the team in ongoing monitoring and engagement and reporting on the impact that companies deliver.
So, when we are analyzing a company for inclusion within the portfolio, it will follow two different pieces of analysis. The first is the investment analysis. This is conducted by the investment manager. If we believe that a company passes our bar for inclusion in terms of investment, it will then go through the impact analysis, which is conducted by our dedicated impact analysts within the team.
So I would like to go to slide 14, which is page 16. Impact Analysis. There is a triangle, well, yes, exactly that's it. The impact analysts, who work on positive change, carry out this analysis independent of the investment managers. We think this is important. It adds a level of rigor to the process.
We think that it could be relatively easy for an investor to fall in love with the investment case of a stock and perhaps inadvertently construct an impact case when it doesn't necessarily exist because they're so in love with the investment potential of the company. So we think that by having these two disciplines separate, it really helps to raise the bar and ensure that every company that enters our portfolio is passing the bar in terms of both investment and impact. So when it comes to analyzing impact in detail, this triangle is very helpful. We use this three factor model. And we've used this since the inception of the strategy over five years. And what it helps us to do is to really compare the impact of different companies in different themes.
We start with intent at the top of the triangle. It's really important here that companies are committed to delivering a positive impact and won't change track in pursuit of short-term profitability. Here, we are looking for vision and ambition. We are looking for a management team to have a clear strategy. We are looking for actions and we are looking for commitments and structures that are really able to back this intent up.
We then look at product impact. Here, we recognize that companies can deliver impact in various ways through philanthropic donations, through supply chain management, through what they sell to their customers. For us in positive change, we want to identify companies who deliver impact through their products and services. We map the companies to the UN Sustainable Development Goals at this stage, and I will talk about that in a little bit more detail in the coming slides. There isn't a minimum requirement in terms of SDG mapping, but we do find it very helpful as an independent external framework.
Then, the final area of the triangle is business practices. Now, this is something that is much more familiar to investors as a more typical, traditional sort of ESG analysis. Here, we will consider a company's attitude towards their employees, shareholders, society, the environment. And it's very much bespoke, depending on the company's stage of business and where they are operating. And we're cognizant that companies will have different practices depending on where they're located, depending on what their stage of business development is.
So that is the analysis that we conduct before a company enters the portfolio. But when a company enters the portfolio, it's not over. We, of course, then have to continue to monitor impact. But crucially, we also have to measure it and report on it. As I've said all along, we have two equally important objectives. It's very easy to report and to measure our financial returns. But measuring and monitoring and reporting on impact is far more challenging, and there isn't yet set industry standard.
Could you please go to the next slide and the one after that, please? Thank you very much. So we are really committed to measuring both of our objectives, which are equally as important. And as I've said, measuring impact is far more complex than measuring investment returns. But we think that to have any credibility in this area and to really be able to do impact investing properly, it is important to hold ourselves to account and to publish information in terms of the impact that the companies that we are investing in on behalf of our clients is having.
So we have a very robust approach and we've been investing in impact through the positive change strategy for over five years now as I mentioned. And we have now published over five and we have published five annual impact reports. We're currently working on our sixth impact report. You can, of course, see the financial returns, the investment returns of the product on a daily basis. But it is far more complex to be able to measure and report on impact. And we don't think that it makes sense to be reporting on impact or indeed is possible to report an impact on anything more frequent than an annual basis.
When we developed our approach to impact reporting over five years ago, naively, we thought that we would go and source what was industry best practice or standard, but we quickly realized that this does not exist. Historically, at Baillie Gifford, we have worked very extensively with external parties, whether that be academia, other companies, sponsoring PhDs. And when we looked to create report to measure and monitor impact, we worked predominantly with two different parties. We worked with external impact investment experts, Pacific Community Ventures. They are a company based in San Francisco, who have real expertise on reporting on impact.
We also worked with an academic, a lady called Prof. Carol Adams, whose specialism is really in integrated impact reporting. Collaborating with these two external parties enabled us to be very ambitious in our impact reporting. After publishing of five impact reports, we've received positive feedback that we are industry leading in terms of the information that we're providing and the transparency that we are providing our clients. As I said, it's really critical that we take a long-term view, not only in terms of impact investing, but also in terms of investment returns. And we measure our impact and performance over five years.
We also recognize that impact isn't always quantifiable and given the approach that we have which is very much bottom up and fundamental, we measure impact first and foremost at a company level. We will identify the broad challenges that each company in the portfolio is helping to tackle and then track their contribution to the long-term solution to the challenge that they are trying to tackle, right from their inputs through to their outputs, which are essentially the milestones that a company is reporting on annually. We will then map these outcomes to the long-term systemic change a company is driving using the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
And if we turn to the next slide, I know that you will be very familiar with the UNSDGs as a set of goals that were launched back in 2015 really to help steer our world on to a more sustainable path. And the SDG mapping of the portfolio enables us to communicate with our clients using what is increasingly being seen as a common framework or language for reporting on impact. The portfolio as it stands today addresses 16 out of the 17 goals. We don't feel the need to address every goal. There isn't a target within the portfolio. But given the breadth of the portfolio, we'd always expect to be addressing a good number of the SDGs.
We also aggregate the company level data to produce headline data and highlight any negative impact at a company level. This is really in a bid to be transparent, to highlight where there may be room for improvement. For the last several years, we have engaged with KPMG, our independent auditors, and they provide assurance on the impact report. And we believe that this gives extra rigor, extra scrutiny, and hopefully will enable our clients to have additional confidence in the information that we are providing.
It's really challenging as you will know due to differences in reporting standards, but we really do our best to engage with the companies and to standardize and to fill gaps in disclosure where they may exist. We really hope that our engagements with companies will help them improve in the future. But we do think it's important to continue and to continue to be as transparent as possible. This impact reporting isn't perfect. We really have to acknowledge that there are huge complexities, but we have to start somewhere. And we believe that the five years that we've had working on publishing these impact reports, the collaborations that we've had externally have really enabled us to produce something that is credible, that is hopefully transparent enough for our clients, and will give them the confidence in the information that we're providing.
In addition to the impact report, which as I've said is an annual document, we will, of course, be delighted to share this with you. We also published what is a companion piece called positive conversations. And if you turn to the next slide, please? Positive conversations is a document which focuses, again, more on the traditional ESG business practices of companies in the portfolio. It looks at things like environmental issues, like the portfolio's carbon footprint and biodiversity. It looks at things like social issues such as labor and human rights, sourcing and corporate tax. It also looks at areas such as governance and things like board composition and executive pay.
But we also in this document turn the light on Baillie Gifford. We have to be transparent as well in terms of our activities. So we also provide an overview of all of the engagements that we've had with the companies that we invest in on our client's behalf. This really helps to demonstrate and articulate the types of ongoing conversations that we have had with companies in the portfolio over the last 12 months. And we highlight also where our engagement has had or resulted in a positive change. We also include an overview of all of the voting that we've undertaken over the period.
So really just to sum up, there's still so much to do, there is still a lot to learn. We want to be able to continue to strengthen the impact that we're having as shareholders of the companies that we own on our client's behalf through the provision of very long term and supportive capital, but also critically to be very thoughtful in terms of the engagements that we have with companies. We recognize that there isn't a perfect company and positive change isn't looking to invest in perfection. But we are looking to invest in companies that should deliver not only positive long-term returns, but a positive impact on society over the long term.
We're facing real challenges globally. We think that we all have an important part to play. And in doing so, we can all benefit not just from making the world a better place for us in the future generations, but also by generating attractive long-term returns for our clients. It does require a thoughtful and in particular a long-term approach, and there are challenges. But we think that it's really critical to be ambitious in taking these challenges head on. Asset managers, we believe today, asset owners, their advisors really can help to drive positive change. We think that capital is a hugely powerful mechanism for driving change and we think that we can all contribute.
Those were the prepared remarks that I had. And I hope that this has given you a helpful insight in terms of how we think about impact investing within the listed space at Baillie Gifford. We've been doing it for over five years now. We have evolved and developed our approach to impact reporting. And we have a really tried and tested track record not only in terms of investing, but also now impact investing. We would be delighted to send you the positive change impact report and the positive change positive conversations document, so you can really see the detail and the depth of the analysis that we think is critical when approaching impact investing. It's absolutely crucial that we are as transparent, as robust as possible when it comes to reporting on impact given we have this equally important dual objective. Thank you very much for your time.
【柳川座長】 大変貴重なプレゼンテーションをありがとうございました。
【渋澤メンバー】 ダイアナさん、プレゼンテーションをどうもありがとうございました。御社のような老舗がこのようにインパクトを積極的に取り組むこと、とてもすばらしいことだと思います。
【柳川座長】 まとめて御質問いただいていから、お答えいただこうと思いますので、今手が挙がっている安間委員、金井委員、高塚委員の順番で、ちょっとそこまでかなと思いますので、手短に御質問をお願いいたします。
【安間メンバー】 貴重なプレゼンテーションありがとうございました。私の質問は、こうです。1つのポテンシャルな上場インパクト投資ファンドの投資先企業が目の前にあります。この企業は、まだ総事業対比で言えば全体の4分の1程度の事業ではありますが、その事業において、とてもとがったポジティブなインパクトを創出できていて、しかも、このビジネスは拡大しつつあります。しかし、ほかの4分の3の事業は、まだポジティブなインパクトを出していません。こういった企業も、ベイリーギフォードのインパクト投資の投資対象になるのでしょうか。御社のポートフォリオ対象になるのかどうかを伺いたいと思います。
【柳川座長】 では、金井委員、お願いします。
【金井メンバー】 プレゼンテーションをありがとうございました。お聞きしたいのは、御社の中の、ベイリーギフォードさんにおいて、アクティブ運用としては別の戦略があって、それ以外にこのポジティブインパクトの投資があるのかどうかということですね。リターンが上がるのに有用というのであれば、これ全部、ポジティブ戦略を取るのが基本的にあり得るのかなということもあるので、ちょっとこの辺りのアクティブ運用の中での違いというのを教えていただきたいのと、あと、インテグレーションのところですね。ESGを見るのは、このプラクティスの部分というふうにおっしゃったと思うんですけれども、いわゆる伝統的なESG投資とアクティブ投資とをどういうふうに切り分けて考えているのかということについて、その整理を教えていただきたいということです。
【柳川座長】 高塚委員、お願いいたします。
【高塚メンバー】 ありがとうございます。質問が2つあります。1つは、イグジット戦略について、どのような方針ですとか戦略をお持ちなのかなというのを、もし教えていただければ共有をお願いしますということと、もう一つは、異なるポートフォリオ会社をアグリゲートされているというのは拝見しましたが、「比較する場面」はモニタリングの中でおありでしょうか。それはもしあるとしたら、どういう場面でしょうかという御質問です。
【柳川座長】 それでは、ダイアナさん、たくさんのかなり重要な質問ばかりで恐縮ですけれども、お答えできる範囲でお答えをお願いいたします。
【松原様】 First one is engagement. Who do you tend to speak to? Is it CEO/CIO? And when you speak with them, what areas do you discuss to decide points to monitor?
【Diana Philip様】 Yes, great. Thank you so much for summarizing the question, I appreciate it. So in terms of engaging, we don't just engage with C-suite. Of course, it is very important to discuss with management, senior management with the CEO, with the CFO, with Chief Sustainability Officer, but we engage at all levels of a company. At Baillie Gifford, we're very fortunate in our long-term approach. We are very supportive shareholders. So we tend to have very good access to management. But often we find that it is also very helpful not just to engage with management, so we are engaging at all levels of a company.
To assist us in this, we will sometimes commission what we call Inquisitive Researchers. These are people who typically are ex-journalists. They will enable us to delve even deeper into a company on their approach by talking to customers, by talking to suppliers, to shareholders of companies, really to enable us to get the fullest picture possible when thinking about investing for impact. When it comes to monitoring the impact of the companies, we use the positive chain, which is on one of the slides because for the inputs of a company, what their activities are, what the outputs of these activities are, and finally, the outcomes – what is the positive change that they are delivering. And then it's at this point that we map to the SDGs.
We think that this is very helpful, as it enables us to have a degree of commonality across the portfolio holdings. But crucially, it also enables us to compare and contrast across what are very different holdings operating not only in different geographies, different sectors, but different business types. So it is by doing that, that we are able to have some degree of commonality and a consistent approach across the portfolio. So just to summarize, we're not only engaging with C-suite, this is very important to us.
We're engaging at all levels throughout a company, and we have very good access as very long-term shareholders who aren't churning and who aren't focused on quarterly results or quarterly impact the company is delivering. As I said change takes time, investment takes time, of course. And we find that we have a much more open air from companies as a result of our very long-term approach and our thoughtful approach, which isn't just focused on quarterly results or impact.
【松原様】 Thank you, Diana. There were three more questions and time is limited. So the next question was – if you see a potential company that you could invest in, but only a quarter of their business is currently making impact, would you still consider to invest in?
【Diana Philip様】 We would, and I think that this is important. It goes back to the fact that we aren't excluding companies and we are also cognizant that companies are sometimes on journey of improvement. I think a really good example to highlight here would be a company we invest in called Orsted, a Danish company, which was historically a company that was very much focused on dirty energy. They have over the course of the last decade really transformed their approach and they are now very much focused on clean energy. Still, however, a proportion of their revenues comes from what we would classify as dirty energy, so from coal for example. But we think that their direction of travel is very positive here and we think that the potential impact that they have to society and the world is very important.
So we think that it is important to have an open-minded approach when investing for impact. However, by doing so, we also think it's really important to be transparent. So this is where the positive change conversations document is important because it shines the light on the negative impact that some companies will have. As I've mentioned, we are cognizant of the fact that not all companies are perfect. But we are willing to invest in companies where we see that the trajectory is positive, where we see the ambition and the intent of management is really to drive that positive change for society.
【松原様】 Thank you, Diana. The third one, I'm afraid that my notes are incomplete here, but this is the question – it was that, so Baillie Gifford's active investor and the positive change is also active. But you should highlight the difference between the traditional active management, active investment and positive change impact?
【Diana Philip様】 Yes, thank you. Yes, of course. So crucially, the difference for positive change is the fact that it has a dual objective. That is the key here. We have a large degree of crossover with Baillie Gifford's core strategies, given the fact that we are hunting for long-term active growth opportunities. But what differentiates of positive changes is the dual objective and the accountability that we have to the dual objective, not only when we invest, as I said, every company has to pass the bar in terms of investment and impact. But on an ongoing basis, we will continue to monitor and engage with companies, and should they fall below in terms of impact or indeed investment, then we would sell.
For our other strategies at Baillie Gifford, they don't have the dual objective. They are focused on generating long-term attractive returns for clients. That being said, there is this degree of overlap because we do believe that companies that are delivering positive contributions to society globally should generate attractive long-term returns for our clients. So there is this degree of overlap. But just to summarize, positive change has dual objective, whereas our other core strategies only have one investment focused objective.
【松原様】 Thank you very much, Diana. One more question, please. Could you outline the exit or sell discipline?
【Diana Philip様】 Thank you very much for the question. Yes, our sell discipline is really the inverse of our buy discipline. So if a company is failing to deliver impact or if it's failing from an investment perspective, then we will sell. And we have had a number of companies that have exited the portfolio, where we no longer see that they are delivering the impact that we had hoped they would achieve. Companies that have exited the portfolio in this regard would include the likes of Alibaba, would include the likes of Beyond Meat, for example.
And again, coming back to the final part of your question, we think that having this integrated reporting, whereby we monitor all companies in terms of their inputs, their activities, outputs, outcomes, bucket them by theme and then measure to the SDGs enables us to have this degree of comparison across the portfolio where we're really comparing companies which are very, very different. But we are able, therefore, to then aggregate and to provide data which is consistent across the portfolio regardless of the industry or the geography that the company is operating in.
【柳川座長】 どうもありがとうございます。
【Diana Philip様】 ありがとうございます。お時間ありがとうございました。よい1日をお過ごしください。
【柳川座長】 最後に、事務局のほうから連絡事項ありましたら、お願いいたします。
【西田サステナブルファイナンス推進室長】 次回、3月22日を予定しております。また詳細については、近づきましたら御連絡をさせていただきます。ありがとうございます。
【柳川座長】 どうもありがとうございました。ちょっと時間が超過して大変恐縮でございます。
―― 了 ――
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