Summary of Applicant for New Registration or its Change
(Investment Management Business)
- 概要書_投資運用業(和英併記)
Summary of Applicant for New Registration or its Change (Investment Management Business)(English and Japanese)
- 質問表別紙_投資運用業(投資一任業)(和英併記)
Questionnaire Sheet (for Investment Management Business [Discretionary Investment Business])
(English and Japanese) - 質問表別紙_投資運用業(投資信託委託業)(和英併記)
Questionnaire Sheet (for Investment Management Business [Investment Trust Management Business])(English and Japanese)
- 質問表別紙_投資運用業(ファンド運用業)(和英併記)
Questionnaire Sheet (for Investment Management Business [Fund Management Business])
(English and Japanese) - 質問表別紙_投資運用業(適格投資家向け投資運用業)(和英併記)
Questionnaire Sheet (for Investment Management Business [Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors])(English and Japanese)
* Depending on the type of Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors that the applicant intends to conduct, the Questionnaire Sheet for Discretionary Investment Business / Investment Trust Management Business / Fund Management Business will be added to the Questionnaire Sheet for Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors.
* Since the form of Summary of Registration Applicant will be revised as needed, the form to be used in an actual screening procedure can be different from the one above.
- お問い合わせ先
金融庁 総合政策局 総合政策課
03-3506-6000(代表) (内線:2917、2417)