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The Council of Experts Concerning the Follow-up of Japan’s Stewardship Code and Japan’s Corporate Governance Code


Public Comment

Finalization of the revised Japan's Corporate Governance Code and the Guidelines for Investor and Company Engagement

Minutes and Materials

The Twenty-Ninth Council on April 18, 2024

AnnouncementMaterial 1 (PDF:0.1MB)

Material 2 (PDF:0.7MB)

Material 3 (PDF:1.4MB)

Material 4 (PDF:0.3MB)

Material 5 (PDF:1.0MB)

Material 6 (PDF:0.4MB)

PDFのアイコンの画像です。Minutes (PDF:0.4MB)

The Nineteenth Council on April 10, 2019

Material 1 (PDF:245KB)

Material 2 (PDF:591KB)

Minutes (PDF:471KB)

The Seventeenth Council on January 28, 2019

Material 1-1(PDF:1032KB)

Material 1-2(PDF:943KB)

Minutes (PDF:522KB)

The Fourteenth Council on February 15, 2018

Material 1 (PDF:152KB)

Material 2 (PDF:345KB)

Minutes (PDF:676KB)

The Twelfth Council on November 15, 2017

Material 1 (PDF:141KB)

Material 2 (PDF:171KB)

Minutes (PDF:547KB)

The Eleventh Council on October 18, 2017

Material 1 (PDF:2,074KB)

Material 2 (PDF:2,423KB)

Minutes (PDF:301KB)

The Tenth Council on November 8, 2016

Material (PDF:270KB)

Minutes (PDF:214KB)

The Second Council on October 20, 2015

Material 1 (PDF:779KB)

Material 2 (PDF:60KB)

Minutes (PDF:492KB)


Corporate Accounting and Disclosure Division, Policy and Markets Bureau, Financial Services Agency

Tel +81-(0)3-3506-6000 (ext. 3849, 3659)

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